Gujarat, India – February 06, 2018 – Motadata, a leading IT data management solution provider of efficient and pocket friendly software to present in Philippine Cybersecurity Conference 2018.

Consistent with the Philippines’ President’s agenda of national development through ensuring national security is intensifying law enforcement in addressing cyber security as an emerging critical area.

Philippine Cyber-security Conference 2018 aims to enable attendees to stay ahead of threats & take prompt actions in the course of a cyber security event, as participants embrace the latest practical knowledge departed in the session which can be applied immediately.

Shailesh Ranka, VP Sales, Motadata with global expertise in the area of IT security will be positioning Log management as a solution to understand and mitigate a security event during his presentation.

Log management provides crucial information that allows security incidents to be quickly detected, identified, monitored and handled. Log management lets security teams know what happened in the event of a security incident. It helps IT professionals come to better understand their organization’s network environment

Every Computing Device Generates Logs!

Logs provide clues about performance issues, application function problems, intrusion and attack attempts etc. The logs provide vital inputs for managing the computer security incidents, both for Incident Prevention and Incident Response Benefits.

When responding to computer security incident, logs provide leads to the activities performed over the system. It also facilitates cybercrime investigation – Determine the activity & the origin of attack.

Possible sources of security related logs could be – Antivirus Software, Intrusion Detection Systems, OS, Network equipment, Firewalls etc.

Key Windows Syslog events to monitor – Any changes to File or Folder ACLs, Registry Access – adds, changes, and deletions, User account changes that provide administrator equivalent permissions, Active Directory access and changes etc.

The best practices of log management include Identifying security incidents, policy violations, fraudulent activities, and operational problems.

We will be discussion the key components of cyber security along with ways to mitigate a security event with the help of log management.

A detailed blog shall be shared on the website soon after the event. The presentation will also be share on social media profiles.

The conference will be held on February 26 to 28, 2018 at Green Sun, The Eye, 2285 Chino Roces Extension Avenue, Barangay Magallanes, Makati City, 1232. Expected attendance of around 300 participants from the government sector, banking and finance and CIIs.

The cybersecurity conference starts today. The two day conference features inspiring keynote presenters and dynamic sessions that offer invaluable new tools and perspectives on cyber-security.

For more information on how log management can help you mitigate a security event, please contact

The presentation used in the conference will be shared on our Slideshare profile right after the event.

We will also summarise key notes in the form of a blog as mentioned above. To stay updated on our latest events, subscribe/follow us on our social media profile. Never miss out on any update from us!