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Server Infrastructure

What is Server Infrastructure?

Server infrastructure is considered the backbone of computer networks that includes hardware such as servers and networking devices, software such as operating systems and applications, and connections. It enables data storage, processing, and communication among devices.

Essential Concepts in Server Infrastructure

Understanding some key terms will allow users to explore server infrastructure in a better way. These terms include virtualization, redundancy, scalability, security, and monitoring management, to name a few.

  • Multiple virtual servers can operate on one physical server with the help of virtualization to enhance efficiency.
  • Redundancy is a way to ensure system reliability by providing backups.
  • Security measures such as protocols, guidelines, and best practices protect data from unauthorized access or threats.
  • Monitoring and management tools that analyze performance to ensure high availability of operation.

Components of Server Infrastructure

The key components of server infrastructure and relevant elements include:


All the physical devices that are used in a server infrastructure are called hardware. It consists of:

Servers: Computers integrating high-end hardware and software configurations are used to store and manage data or perform tasks for other devices.

Networking Devices: Equipment such as switches, routers, and cables that connect servers and other devices in the network.

Storage Devices: Devices such as hard drives or storage area networks (SANs) that network administrators use to store data are referred to as storage devices.


Programs and applications that run on servers to perform specific tasks. Without software, it won’t be possible to perform any task in an infrastructure.

Operating Systems: Software that manages hardware resources and provides a platform for running other software.

Server Applications: Programs like database management systems (DBMS) or web servers that perform specific functions on the server.

Networking Devices

Connections between devices that allow devices to communicate with each other are termed networking.

Ethernet Cables: Physical cables used to connect devices within a network.

Routers: Devices that forward data packets between computer networks.

Switches: Devices that connect multiple devices within a local area network (LAN).

Let’s now move on to the terms that define server infrastructure comprehensively.


Technology that creates virtual versions of hardware resources is referred to as virtualization. The technology involve hypervisors, the software that creates and manages virtual machines on physical servers.

Primarily, virtualization includes virtual machines that are the software-based representations of physical computers running multiple operating systems or applications.


Redundancy means having extra backups or duplicates of something important, just in case the original doesn’t work. It ensures that if something fails, there’s always a backup plan ready to keep things running smoothly.

The practice often involves two identical hard drives that store the same data, providing redundancy in case one fails. It also includes backup power supplies that automatically take over if the primary power source fails.


The infrastructure’s ability to handle increasing workloads is called scalability. The administrators can ensure a scalable infrastructure either by adding more servers or upgrading the hardware equipment.

Adding more servers ensures the workload is distributed and the infrastructure can accommodate more users or data. Upgrading server hardware components like processors or memory improves performance and capacity.


The security protocols and guidelines are established to protect servers and data from unauthorized access or threats. It includes firewalls, encryption, and access control system.

Firewalls are security devices that monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Encryption is the technique to encode data in an unreadable format to prevent unauthorized access. In addition, access control systems include policies and mechanisms to restrict access to sensitive data or resources.

Backup and Recovery

The processes for safeguarding and restoring data to ensure its availability in the event of downtime or data loss are referred to as backup and recovery. Regular backups store copies of data to secondary storage locations.

These devices can be physical storage devices or Cloud drives. It also includes recovery plans for restoring data in case of loss or corruption.

Monitoring and Management

Tools and practices that allow the administrators to oversee server performance. It includes monitoring software to track server metrics like CPU usage, memory usage, and network traffic.

In addition, the monitoring involves installing software for configuring and maintaining servers, applications, and network devices.

High Availability

The practice of ensuring servers and services are accessible and operational without interruption is known as the high availability of infrastructure. The components include load balancers and failover systems.