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Application Infrastructure

What is Application Infrastructure?

Application infrastructure refers to the software platform that is used for the delivery of business applications, which can include operational and computational assets like servers, storage arrays, and operating systems.

In simpler terms, application infrastructure encompasses everything necessary to run an application, from the physical servers and storage devices to the software platforms and middleware that facilitate communication and data processing. These are crucial to help design, manage, deliver, and run an application or its services on the end user’s system.

What are the Components of Application Infrastructure?

The technology infrastructure that hosts business applications should support the capabilities and demands of your application. This can be done by either building the application infrastructure in-house or using third-party cloud vendors to manage the underlying hardware for your application infrastructure.

The key components that you need to know about are the following:

Application Server

It hosts and manages the execution of applications and manages the business logic that makes the application work. An application server is hidden behind a firewall, ensuring that only verified users can interact with it. Examples include Java EE application servers like Apache Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, or Microsoft IIS.

Web Server

The web-based applications are delivered through a web server, which handles incoming HTTP requests from clients (such as web browsers) and serves static or dynamic content in response. Popular web servers include Apache HTTP Server, Nginx, and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS).


To protect your applications and data from any outside access, a crucial infrastructure component is the firewall. The firewall is used to restrict any unauthorized access to users, services, or applications and ensures that the application or data is available exclusively through the predefined security protocols.

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

In case of any breach or suspicious activity, the IDS plays a major role. It is used to alert application managers, system administrators, and developers about any cyberattack or suspicious behavior or when a user attempts to gain unauthorized access to the application.

File Storage / SQL Servers

Some applications may need storage options to store any files or data that are used for the application. This is done in a file storage. If the application needs access to data in relational databases, it can use SQL servers to store and manage this data using database functions.

Deployment Models for Application Infrastructure

Traditionally, businesses deployed and managed application infrastructure on-premises within their own data centers. This allowed them to get complete ownership and control of their application infrastructure. However, with the rise of cloud computing and the preference for scalable infrastructure, cloud computing is being widely adopted. Thus, this has led to three main deployment models being available for application infrastructure, including:

On-premises Deployment

This is a traditional deployment model where businesses own and manage all hardware and software components of the application infrastructure within their physical data centers. This provides them with complete control over security and data privacy, which is ideal for organizations with strict compliance requirements.

However, this deployment model also comes with several challenges, like huge upfront costs for hardware and software acquisition, ongoing maintenance needs, limited scalability, and potential resource underutilization.

Cloud-based Deployment

Cloud deployment leverages the infrastructure and resources of a cloud service provider (CSP) like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

There are three main cloud service models to consider:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides businesses with virtualized computing resources like servers, storage, and networking. Organizations have full control over the operating system and applications deployed on these resources.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): This offers a complete development and deployment environment, including servers, storage, operating systems, and development tools. It allows businesses to focus on application development without managing the underlying infrastructure.

Software as a Service (SaaS): Delivers applications over the internet on a subscription basis. Users access the application through a web browser or mobile app without managing any infrastructure or software.

Cloud-based model offers excellent scalability, flexibility, and pay-as-you-go pricing. This makes it ideal for most modern-day companies, as the entire maintenance and management is taken care of by the cloud provider. However, despite its many benefits, it comes with small limitations, like:

  • Limited control over the underlying infrastructure
  • Potential vendor lock-in
  • High reliance on a stable internet connection to power operations

Hybrid Deployment

This approach combines on-premises infrastructure with cloud resources, offering a best-of-both-worlds scenario. Businesses can leverage the cloud’s flexibility and scalability for specific applications while maintaining control over sensitive data or legacy systems on-premises.

Thus, it provides greater flexibility, control, and cost optimization by strategically allocating workloads between on-premises and cloud environments.

Benefits of a Well-Managed Application Infrastructure

By investing in building and maintaining a robust foundation, modern-day organizations that depend heavily on their applications and other frameworks can reap numerous benefits, such as:

1. Increased Uptime and Availability

Proper management of application infrastructure ensures high availability of resources for the application, which minimizes downtime and ensures applications are consistently accessible to users.

2. Enhanced Scalability & Flexibility

A scalable infrastructure can adapt to fluctuating demands and accommodate business growth. Businesses can easily add or remove resources to meet changing needs, fostering greater agility and responsiveness to market opportunities.

3. Reduced Operational Costs

Optimized infrastructure with automation and efficient resource utilization can lead to significant cost savings. Additionally, cloud-based models offer pay-as-you-go pricing, eliminating upfront capital expenditures for hardware.

4. Improved Security

A secure application infrastructure safeguards sensitive data from unauthorized access, cyberattacks, and breaches. This protects businesses from reputational damage, regulatory fines, and financial losses.

Manage your Application Infrastructure with AIOps

The dependence on applications in the digital age is driving businesses to focus on application infrastructure to ensure that they always perform efficiently. However, this requires strong mechanisms to ensure that it is managed well, including ensuring smooth performance, scalability, and security.

With AIOps, you can leverage the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to help you gain deep insights into your IT components, networks, servers, applications, logs, and more, ensuring that they are always performing optimally.