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Motadata AIOps Release Version 8.0.7

Release Date: August 23, 2024

What’s New?

Support for AES256-Encrypted SNMP Trap Messages

This release introduces the capability for the SNMP Trap listener to support AES256-encrypted trap messages. Users can now receive and process SNMP Trap messages that are encrypted using the AES256 standard, enhancing security for network monitoring and management.

Generate Raw Log Reports Based on Log Search Criteria

This update introduces the ability to generate detailed raw log reports directly from the Log Search based on specified search criteria. Users can now filter log events according to their needs and save these filtered results as a report for further analysis. This enhancement provides greater flexibility in log management, allowing for customized reporting and easier access to critical log data.

Support for Adding Key-Value Tags as Columns in Widgets and Reports

This update introduces the capability to add key-value-based tags as columns in both grid widgets and reports. Users can now select specific tags from a drop-down menu to display them as columns in their grid settings, enhancing data visibility and customization options for monitoring and reporting. This feature provides a more flexible and tailored view of data, allowing users to include relevant tags directly in their widgets and reports for improved analysis.

Define a custom type when creating a log parser

This update allows users to define a custom type when creating a new log parser. By specifying a custom type name, users can better organize and identify their log parsers, enhancing the overall ease of use and management of log data within the platform.

OOTB Log Parser for VMware vCenter Logs

This release introduces an out-of-the-box (OOTB) log parser specifically designed for VMware vCenter logs. Motadata AIOps can now easily parse and analyze vCenter log data without the need for custom configurations, streamlining log management and enhancing visibility into VMware environments.

OOTB Log Parser for VMware ESXi

This update provides an out-of-the-box (OOTB) log parser for VMware ESXi logs. Motadata AIOps can now effortlessly parse and analyze ESXi log data without additional configuration, simplifying log management and improving insights into VMware ESXi environments.

Granularity Selection in Metric Explorer

This release introduces a granularity selection option in Metric Explorer. Users can now choose different levels of data granularity, allowing for more detailed or summarized views of metric data. This enhancement improves data analysis by enabling customized metric views to suit specific monitoring needs.

Out-of-the-Box Flow Statistics Dashboard

This release introduces an out-of-the-box Flow Statistics Dashboard. The new dashboard includes widgets such as Events per Second, Flow Source Count, Total Events, Flow Volume, etc. providing users with a comprehensive overview of their Flow data. This enhancement offers a complete and detailed visualization of network flow statistics for improved monitoring and analysis.

Support for PostgreSQL Slow Query Logs

Motadata AIOps now offers out-of-the-box support for parsing PostgreSQL slow query logs. This allows Motadata AIOps to automatically extract key fields such as Timestamp, Severity, Username, Database information, and Query details, providing deeper insights into database performance and aiding in the identification of slow queries.

Inclusion of “Host Name” Field in Discovery CSV

This update adds the “Host Name” field to the CSV file used for discovery. With this enhancement, users no longer need to manually assign monitor names after discovery, as both the “Host Name” and IP address are now included in the CSV file, streamlining the discovery process.

L2/L3 Protocol Selection for Topology Mapping

This release introduces an option to select L2/L3 protocols when building topology maps. Users can now choose the desired Link Layer (L2 or L3) for their topology, with protocols auto-selected based on the chosen layer. This feature enhances flexibility in network mapping by allowing users to customize protocol selection for more precise topology visualization.

This release introduces support for discovering WAN-Link metrics through Cisco IPSLA. Users can now create ICMP Echo, ICMP Jitter, Path Echo based IPSLAs and leverage OOTB Cisco IPSLA monitoring templates for monitoring WAN-Link performance, providing comprehensive insights into network link health and reliability.

This release introduces default reports for Cisco IPSLA WAN-Link Monitoring. Users can now access pre-configured reports that provide insights into WAN-Link performance, simplifying the monitoring and analysis of WAN-Link metrics.

Introducing Personal Access Token for API access

System administrators will be able to create Personal Access Tokens (PAT) binded with user privileges and access roles. PATs facilitate remote access to system information with proper privileges whilst also preventing any unauthorized access.

AIOps API for Performance KPIs

Motadata AIOps now offers APIs for accessing monitor performance data. Users can retrieve performance metrics and historical data for individual monitors, enabling detailed performance analysis and reporting. Now Third party systems can leverage AIOps APIs.

AIOps API for Monitor Availability and Alert

This release introduces APIs for accessing monitor availability and alert data in Motadata AIOps. Users can now retrieve information on monitor, filtering them out based on alert severity and monitor availability status, facilitating enhanced monitoring and alert management capabilities. Now Third party systems can leverage AIOps APIs.

AIOps API for Monitor Details

Motadata AIOps now includes APIs to retrieve monitor details. Users can access the monitor details through these APIs. Now Third party systems can leverage AIOps APIs.

Interactive installation for Motadata AIOps Deployments

This release introduces an interactive post-installation script to facilitate the installation of various AIOps deployments. The script provides a guided setup process, simplifying deployment and configuration tasks for users.

Support for Multiple LDAP Servers

This release enables users to add and configure multiple LDAP servers. Users can now integrate several LDAP servers into their system, enhancing flexibility and redundancy in user authentication and directory services.

Out-of-the-Box Capacity Planning Reports

This release introduces pre-built capacity planning reports designed to streamline capacity management and optimization. Users can now leverage these out-of-the-box reports to better prepare their infrastructure for future demands, ensuring efficient and proactive capacity planning.

Default OOTB Reports for NCM and Monitor Inventory

This release introduces default out-of-the-box (OOTB) reports for Network Configuration Management (NCM) and Monitor Inventory. Users can now access pre-configured reports for NCM and monitor inventory, streamlining data analysis and providing immediate insights into network configurations and monitoring resources.

Default NCM Device Template for Cisco NetScaler

This release adds a default Network Configuration Management (NCM) device template for Cisco NetScaler devices. Users can now easily configure and manage Cisco NetScaler devices with the provided out-of-the-box template, simplifying network configuration tasks.

Users can now group interfaces in the availability report based on tags. This enhancement allows for highly specific and tailored reporting, providing detailed insights according to both predefined and user-defined tags.

NCM Discovery Command Execution Output in Credential Status

This update enables users to view the execution output of NCM discovery commands directly on the Credential Status screen. This feature provides detailed insights into the command results, facilitating easier troubleshooting of discovery issues.

Action History for NCM

The Action History tab in NCM Explorer now provides a comprehensive log of all actions performed on NCM devices. This includes details such as the last backup performed and the restoration of backup files to the running configuration. This feature is crucial for tracking and auditing changes, ensuring that all actions are documented and easily accessible for future reference.

Set Older Configuration version as Baseline in NCM

Users can now set older versions of configuration files as the baseline in Network Configuration Management (NCM). Previously, only the current configuration file could be set as the baseline. This enhancement allows for greater flexibility in configuration management by enabling users to use historical configurations as baselines.

Add Custom Prompts to NCM Templates

This release allows users to define and add custom prompts when creating NCM Templates. This enhancement provides greater flexibility and customization, enabling users to tailor templates with prompts that suit their specific configuration needs.

Monitor Tags Filter in NCM Explorer

This update introduces the ability to filter network devices by Monitor Tags in the NCM Explorer. Users can now use Monitor Tags as a filtering option to more efficiently navigate and manage their network devices. This feature enhances the ability to focus on specific devices based on their associated tags.

NCM Discovery Support for Wireless Devices

This release expands Network Configuration Management (NCM) by adding support for discovering and managing wireless devices. Users can now effortlessly include wireless devices in their network configuration management, enhancing the breadth of their network oversight.

Regex Edit Option in Log Parser Creation

This release adds the ability to edit regex patterns when creating a log parser. Initially, regex is automatically generated based on the log sample provided. Users can now modify the generated regex to better suit their specific needs, offering greater flexibility and precision in log parsing.

Reset Column Preference Option

A new ‘Reset Column Preference’ option is now available in the product across the screens. Clicking this option will revert the grid view to the system default settings, allowing users to restore the original column layout easily.

Drill down to Instance Level from Dashboard

Users will now be able to drill down to instance level of a provisioned device right from the Dashboard, Report, Monitor Template, and Alert Grid.

Bug Fixes

Severity Filter Display Issue in Monitors Tab

This update addresses a bug where the Severity Filter in the Monitors tab failed to display data for devices marked as Maintenance, Disabled, or Suspended. Users can now correctly view data for devices in these states when applying the Severity Filter.

Primary Server Restart Issue

This release resolves the issue where the primary server would fail to restart. Users who previously encountered this problem should now find that the primary server operates correctly and restarts as expected.

Interface Speed Reset to Default

This release fixes a problem where manually configured interface speeds were being reset to default values when the Interface Rediscovery Scheduler ran. Now, your manually set speeds will be preserved, ensuring accurate data and consistent performance.

This release fixes an issue where hyperlinks in the Alert Tab were redirecting to an error page instead of showing the incident details. Now, clicking the hyperlink will correctly take you to the Motadata ServiceOps page with the relevant ticket or incident details.

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