Launch a Survey

After the perfect collection of required data and fields, you can launch the survey. Here, ServiceOps provides feasible feature for any technician to design the questions on the same page itself.

  • Initially, create a survey.
  • Go to the Survey Details Page, fill the survey form, and submit it.
Survey Form
Survey Form
  • Once the form is filled, design the questions using the custom question type available from the panel. These questions will act as the Survey form for the audience.
Design Survey Questions
Design Survey Questions

Once the fields are added, you can re-order, create a duplicate from the existing, edit, or remove them if required.

  • To launch the survey, click the vertical three dots on the top-right corner, and select Launch Survey. A popup appears.
Launch Survey
Launch Survey
Launch On
Launch On
  • Now, here either you can Schedule the Launch or Launch at the same moment. For Scheduling it later on select the Launch On button and select the desired date.
Launch Now
Launch Now
  • To launch at the same moment, click on the Launch Now button. The Survey audience will be auto-filled same as selected during the creation.
  • Once you click on Launch, emails will be sent to each requester in the group as shown below:
Invitation of Survey
Invitation of Survey

User Survey Details Page

To view the User Survey Details page, click on the subject of the user survey or the View Details page icon, and the below page appears.

User Survey Details Page
User Survey Details Page

Subject and Description

You can view the complete subject and the description on the top of the details page.

Survey Subject and Description
Survey Subject and Description

Classifiers of Survey

These properties tell you the current statistics of the survey and help you classify them under different labels. When someone works on a survey, they update the labels accordingly. For example: If the ‘status’ is closed, it means you do not need to do anything on the Survey.

Properties Showing Survey Classifiers
Properties Showing Survey Classifiers
  • Status: This label shows the current status of the survey. The status is based on the survey workflow.
  • Assignee: The label classifies the Survey based on the person to whom this Survey is assigned. When the value is ‘unassigned’, it means that Survey is not assigned to anyone. The values of assignee depends on the ‘Technician Group’ value.
  • Duration: This label shows the duration of the survey till which it will be valid.
  • Add Tags: You can add the custom tags to quickly find the surveys based on it. Also, system adds some default tags when based on certain labels and actions.

Associated Actions for Survey

You can create or update different actions and activities as a part of communication, collaboration and resolution in the Survey. The available types of actions are:

Additional Actions for Survey
Additional Actions for Survey
  • Survey Form: You can add the basic details of the form as well as question types.
  • Collaboration: You can add collaboration messages and notes related to the Survey.
  • Audit Trail: You can see the activity in the journal of all the actions related to the Survey.
  • Notifications: You can send notifications related to the Survey.

Other Info

The other information displays additional details about the Survey.

Other Information
Other Information
  • Service Catalog: Shows the category of the Survey. Default values are: Software, Hardware, Network, HR or Other.
  • Department: Name of the department to which the Survey belongs.
  • Company: Shows the company associated with the survey. This field is available only if the Managed Services Provider feature is enabled.
  • Location: Shows the location from where the Survey is generated.
  • Survey Audience: Shows the exact reason of the Survey.
  • Source: Shows the exact initiation of the Survey.
  • Last Updated Date: Shows the date and timestamp of the last activity on the Survey.

Survey Actions

On the top-right corner of the page, you can see a set of actions:

Other Options on Details Page
Other Options on Details Page
  • Previous: Click to go to the previous Survey.
  • Next: Click to go to the next Survey.
  • More Actions: Click the vertical three dots to view other available actions for the survey.


Wake On LAN (WOL) is an Ethernet computer networking standard that enables you to awake or start a computer remotely from anywhere. It wakes up the target computer by sending a network message. A computer that has the Internet connection and is Advanced Configuration Power Interface (ACPI) compliant can be turned on remotely. It requires a special software program like Motadata ServiceOps that sends a wake up signal to another computer in the same LAN. It is also possible to initiate the message from another network by using subnet directed broadcasts.

With WOL configured, you need not to go personally and turn on the system for performing some task. You can simply sit at one place and through ServiceOps initiate the WOL process either manually or automatically using a scheduler.


  • Wake On LAN must be enabled on the target machine.
  • Wake On LAN must be enabled in the BIOS Power Management.
  • Ethernet connection.
  • Power Cable (Charger/Adapter) should be connected.
  • A network card (NIC) should support Wake on LAN.
  • The source and target machines must be in the same LAN network.
  • The target computer must be either in Sleep or Shutdown mode.
  • Continuous LAN connectivity even in sleep mode is required.

Configuring WOL on a Target Machine:

To configure the WOL, enable the related settings from the below given sections:

In the BIOS Settings:

Navigate to Config and enable the Wake On LAN parameter. The path to enable Wake On LAN may vary based on the manufacturer of the computer.

Note: The parameter Deep Sleep Mode should be disabled. This mode may be available only in some computers.

In the Windows OS:

  • Open the Device Manager. Expand Network Adaptors, select your Ethernet adapter, right click it, and select Properties. Here, “Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller” Ethernet adapter is used.
    In the Advanced tab, enable Wake on Magic Packet and other related fields like Wake on magic packet when system, Wake on pattern match, and WOL & Shutdown.
Enabling WOL Parameters in Advanced tab
Enabling WOL Parameters in Advanced tab

In the Power Management tab, enable Allow this device to wake the computer as shown below.

Enabling WOL Parameters in Power Management tab
Enabling WOL Parameters in Power Management tab
  • Set the Network Profile to Private from the Network and Internet Settings.
Set Network Profile to Private
Set Network Profile to Private
  • Disable the parameter Turn on fast startup from Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options > System Settings.
Disable Turn on fast startup
Disable Turn on fast startup
  • Open Edit Power Plan and click the Change advanced power settings link. Under the Balanced option, expand the option Networking connectivity in Standby. Enable both On Battery and Plugged in options.
Edit Plan Settings
Edit Plan Settings
  • In the Edit Group Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Power Management > Sleep Settings, enable the below the two parameters:
    • Allow network connectivity during connected-standby (on battery)
    • Allow network connectivity during connected-standby (plugged in)
Edit Group Policy
Edit Group Policy
  • Open the Services application with Run as Administrator, enable the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service, and set the Start Up Type as  Automatic. Once done, click Apply and OK.
Enable TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service as Automatic
Enable TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service as Automatic

Methods to initiate Wake On LAN

You can turn on the remote computer in two ways:

  • Manually: You can use the Wake Up Now option from the Hardware Details Page of a particular computer.
  • Automatically (via scheduler): You can schedule the timing to execute the WOL process in multiple computers. For more details, refer Create WOL Schedule.


  • Currently WOL is supported for Windows (Computer and Laptop) Assets with IPV4 addresses only.
  • The Wake On LAN settings on the target machine may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Create a Survey

You can create a new Survey when planned. You can create it directly into the system when you are logged in. To create a user survey, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Create User Survey button on the top-right corner of the page and the below figure appears.
Create User Survey
Create User Survey
  1. Enter the below details:
    Parameter Description
    Name Enter the name of the user survey.
    Description Enter a short description about the user survey.
    Survey Start Date Select the start date when you want the Survey to initiate. Also select the time, if any specific needed.
    Validity Days Enter the number of days till which you want to keep the survey valid.. The allowed range is 1 to 30 days.
    Service Catalog Select the applicable service catalog.
    Owner Select the technician, who will be the owner of the Survey.
    Department Select the department if you want to assign the survey to a specific department.
    Location Select the location if you want to add to the survey.
    Company Select the company to associate with the survey. This field is available only if the Managed Services Provider feature is enabled.
    Tags You can add tags if you want. It will help you in identifying the similar Surveys.
    Survey Audience Select the requester groups to whom the survey request will be sent. It is a mandatory field. Archived and Blocked requesters will not be included in the survey. The minimum audience count required is dependent on the setting configured in the Survey Preference tab. For more details, refer to the link Requester Groups.
    Exclude Technicians Enable if you want to exclude the technicians from the survey audience. By default it is enabled.
  2. Once all the details are filled, click Create. The user survey gets created with Design status and appears on the User Surveys List page. Also, an email is sent to the owner acknowledging the user survey. A user survey starts with a prefix ‘SUR’. For example: SUR-1.
  3. Once the Survey is created, go to the Details page and perform the required action like designing the survey form, viewing the response, collaborations, audit trail, notifications, launch the survey, etc.

User Surveys

The page enables you to track and manage all the surveys at one place. It displays a list of already created surveys in the system. Also, you can search, create, and edit surveys as per requirement.

To view the User Surveys page, navigate to the Admin > User Survey > User Surveys, and the list page appears.

User Survey List Page
User Survey List Page
  1. Filter: You can filter the surveys by clicking the desired option. For example, If All Open User Survey is selected, the grid displays all the surveys with open status (Design and Expired).
  2. Search: You can look for specific user survey by searching them. The search is a faceted search and allows you to find with specific criteria. The filter option uses a predefined criteria and segregates the list accordingly. You can find more details in the search section.
  3. Refresh: You can refresh the user survey list. This is useful when multiple people are working on the user survey and contents are updated frequently.
  4. Column Selection: You can select the columns to be displayed in the grid table as shown below.
Column Selection
Column Selection
  1. Create User Survey: You can create a new user survey.
  2. Grid: Displays a list of already created user surveys along with their details.
  3. View Details Page: You can click the User Survey ID to view the User Survey Details page.
  4. View Details Page in a new tab: You can click the arrow icon next to the ID to view the details page in a new tab.

User Survey

Surveys have been proved the most basic and qualitative method which in turn is inexpensive and executed quickly. Eventually, a large amount of data can be collected on a wide range of topics. Thus, here ServiceOps provides an inbuilt solution for easier gathering of the feedbacks. Surveys prove beneficial to increase the knowledge in fields such as social research, product development, and any organizations growth based on clients or customers thoughts.

Note: A user with Super Admin role and holding Manage User Survey permission can access this module.

Benefits of User Surveys:

  • User Survey Assessments provide more comprehensive data by collecting the detailed process and performance insights from a broad base of stakeholders.
  • It helps making decisions faster which allows an organization to evaluate and identify improvements in service delivery.
  • It helps delivering a consistent experience with all services and available resources.
  • Technicians can create, schedule, and send surveys from a single interface, easing the burden of the survey administration process.

User Surveys have the options that are specific to customize the User Survey module. It has the following features:

User Survey Options
User Survey Options

Knowledge Custom Rules

A custom rule can set the requirement for Approval whenever a drafted Article needs publishing. In other words, once an Article enters the draft mode, it can be published only when the Approval status is either Pre-Approved or Approved.

To view the Knowledge Custom Rules page, navigate to Admin > Knowledge Management > Knowledge Custom Rules.

When Should Custom Rules be Enforced

For the knowledge management module, the custom rules are evaluated based on the actions configured at any of the below stages:

  • Publish Rules: Check the approval status that should be enforced before publishing a knowledge article.
Publish Rules
Publish Rules
  • Delete Rules: Check the approval status that should be enforced before deleting a knowledge article.
Delete Rules
Delete Rules
  • Restore Rules: Check the approval status that should be enforced before restoring a knowledge article.
Restore Rules
Restore Rules

For example: You cannot publish a knowledge article without approval.

Example of Custom Rules in Knowledge Management
Example of Custom Rules in Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management module is the library of all the articles, guides, FAQs that are related to this system. The content of this section is available to all the people who can access the system URL. The content is totally free that means you don’t need to register/login into the system to see the articles.

Knowledge Management Options
Knowledge Management Options

Return From Repair

This option enables you to create a Return from Repair Movement Request to move the returned assets from repair to on premise. To move the returned asset from repair, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Asset Management > Asset Movement page.
  2. Click the Return From Repair button on the top-right corner of the Asset Movement Requests List page. The below form appears.
Create Return From Repair Request
Create Return From Repair Request
  1. Enter the below details:
    • Movement Type: Return from Repair
    • Requester: Requester who has requested the movement.
    • From Location: Select the Location from where the movement is to be initiated. This is a mandatory field.
    • To Location (To Repair): Select the Location to where the movement is to be sent. This is a mandatory field.
    • Reference Number: Mention the reference number if any. It is an optional field.
    • Movement Date: Mention the date on which movement needs to be done. It is a mandatory field.
    • Returnable Type: Select the type. The options are: Returnable and Non Returnable.
    • Asset Type: Select the asset type. The options are: Hardware and Non IT.
    • Remarks: Enter the remarks if any. You can add remarks up to 255 characters.
    • Attachments: Select the attachments if required. It is an optional field.
    • Vendor: Select the Vendor from the dropdown. In case the required vendor does not exist, you can add a new one using the Add Vendor link. It is a mandatory field. Once selected, it displays its details like email and contact no. of the vendor.
    • Dispatch Address: Enter the address where the asset is to be dispatched. It is an optional field. You can provide details like Street, Landmark, City, Pincode, State, and Country.
    • Asset Details: Select the faulty assets that you want to return from repair using the Add Assets link as shown below. The asset list appears based on the selected Asset Type (Hardware or Non IT), Vendor, and Movement Status (In Repair). You can select maximum 10 assets to return from repair.
Add Assets Link
Add Assets Link
Add Assets
Add Assets
  1. Once all the details are filled, click Create. The Asset Movement Request gets created with the default status Requested and it starts with a prefix MV. For example: MV – 1.
  2. Also, the Asset Movement Status in the Asset Details page will get updated to In Movement as shown below.
Movement Status
Movement Status

Send to Repair

This option enables you to create an Asset Movement Request to send a faulty asset for repair. Only faulty Hardware and Non-IT Assets can be sent for repairing. To send an asset for repair, follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Asset Management > Asset Movement page.
  2. Click the Send to Repair button on the top-right corner of the Asset Movement Requests List page. The below form appears.
Create Asset Movement Request
Create Asset Movement Request
  1. Enter the below details:
    • Movement Type: Send to Repair
    • Requester: Requester who has requested the movement.
    • From Location: Select the Location from the dropdown from where the movement is to be initiated. This is a mandatory field.
    • To Location (To Repair): Select the Location from the dropdown to where the movement is to be sent. This is a mandatory field.
    • Reference Number: Mention the reference number if any. It is an optional Field.
    • Movement Date: Mention the date on which movement needs to be done. It is a mandatory Field. It should be greater than the current date.
    • Returnable Type: Select the type. The options are: Returnable and Non Returnable.
    • Expected Return Date: Date on which Assets will be returned after repair.
    • Asset Type: Select the asset type. The options are: Hardware and Non IT.
    • Attachments: Select the attachments if required. It is an optional field.
    • Remarks: Enter the remarks if any. You can add remarks up to 255 characters.
    • Attachments: Upload the required attachments.
    • Vendor: Select the Vendor from the dropdown. In case the required vendor does not exist, you can add a new one using the Add Vendor link. It is a mandatory Field. Once selected, it displays its details like email and contact no. of the vendor.
    • Dispatch Address: Enter the address where the asset is to be dispatched. It is an optional field. You can provide details like Street, Landmark, City, Pincode, State, and Country.
    • Asset Details: Select the faulty assets that you want to send for repair using the Add Assets link as shown below. The asset list appears based on the selected From Location, Asset Type (Hardware or Non IT), Vendor, Asset Condition (Faulty) , and Movement Status (None). You can select maximum 10 assets to send for repair.
Add Asset Link
Add Asset Link
Add Assets
Add Assets
  1. Once all the details are filled, click Create. The Asset Movement Request gets created with the default status Requested and it starts with a prefix MV. For example: MV – 1.
  2. Also, the Asset Movement Status in the Asset Details page will get updated to Out Movement as shown below.
Movement Status
Movement Status